Openstack is a useful tool that allows the creation of in-house cloud solutions. In our case, Openstack is fundamental because it's used by the VIM (see Openbaton installation instructions) to launch instances and deploy services, other than create internal networking and routing.
The Openstack installation is not an easy one, particularly for newcomers, that have to deal with a great set of tools and not-always-clear instruction. Here we won't try to explain you how to perfectly install an Openstack instance, but we'll describe how we managed to get a single-node deployment up and running.
First of all, you need a machine with at least 16GB of ram and 50GB of HD space.
Devstack (god bless) allows to deploy a developer version of Openstack in a single node, and it makes modules activation and installation a piece of cake. In our case, we need to have an active version of:
Keystone (for identity management)
Object storage
Tacker (not mandatory if you're gonna use Openbaton as VIM)
Using Devstack is a brain-dead operation, but configuring it, oh boy, is not an easy one. In particular, the time required to install Openstack ranges from 20 to 1 hour, and every time your configuration is wrong you have to start all over again from scratch. For reference, after many tries, our local.conf file was:
[[local|localrc]]############################################################# Customize the following HOST_IP based on your installation############################################################HOST_IP=<youripaddress>ADMIN_PASSWORD=Password1MYSQL_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORDRABBIT_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORDSERVICE_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORDSERVICE_TOKEN=$ADMIN_PASSWORD############################################################# Customize the following section based on your installation############################################################# PipPIP_USE_MIRRORS=FalseUSE_GET_PIP=1#OFFLINE=False#RECLONE=True# LoggingLOGFILE=$DEST/logs/ Neutron ML2 with OpenVSwitchQ_PLUGIN=ml2Q_AGENT=openvswitchSWIFT_REPLICAS=1SWIFT_HASH=66a3d6b56c1f479c8b4e70ab5c2000f5FLOATING_RANGE=<youripaddress.224/27>FLOAT_INTERFACE=<selectyourinterfacewhereexposetheservice>enable_services-proxys-objects-containers-accountenable_serviceh-engh-apih-api-cfnh-api-cw# Disable security groupsQ_USE_SECGROUP=FalseLIBVIRT_FIREWALL_DRIVER=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver# Enable heat, networking-sfc, barbican and mistralenable_pluginheat Ceilometer#CEILOMETER_PIPELINE_INTERVAL=300enable_pluginceilometer Tackerenable_plugintacker Enable Kubernetes and kuryr-kubernetes#KUBERNETES_VIM=True#NEUTRON_CREATE_INITIAL_NETWORKS=False#enable_plugin kuryr-kubernetes stable/queens#enable_plugin neutron-lbaas git:// stable/queens#enable_plugin devstack-plugin-container stable/queens[[post-config|/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini]][DEFAULT]enable_isolated_metadata=True
Be aware to change the values inside the < and > brackets.
In our case, we were able to develop a simple wrapper around the stack.shcommand (necessary to launch Openstack installation), that you can find in our repository, but, for reference, we copy it here:
#!/bin/bash# Author: Davide Polonio <># License: GPLv3+functioncheck () {if [ "$1"-ne0 ]thenmsgerr"$2"exit1fi}functionmsg () {# 3 type of messages:# - info# - warn# - errlocal color=""local readonly default="\033[m"#resetif [ "$1"="info" ]then color="\033[0;32m"#greenelif [ "$1"="warn" ]then color="\033[1;33m"#yellowelif [ "$1"="err" ]then color="\033[0;31m"#redfiecho-e"$color==> $2$default"}functiongetUbuntuVersion () {echo $(lsb_release-r|cut-f2)}functionopenstackWizard () {sudoapt-getupdatesudoapt-getupgrade-ysudoapt-getinstall-ypython-systemdsudoapt-getautocleansudoapt-getautoremove-ycd $HOMErm-rfdevstack/gitclone"$1"--depth=1check $? "Failed to clone openstack repo"cddevstacksudomkdir/logssudochown-R"$(whoami)":"$(whoami)"/logsmkdirlogslocal readonly ADMIN_PASSWORD="Password1"local readonly myIpAddress="$(ipashow $2 |grepinet|head-n1|cut-d" " -f6|cut-d"/" -f1)"cat<<EOF>local.conf[[local|localrc]]############################################################# Customize the following HOST_IP based on your installation############################################################HOST_IP=$myIpAddressADMIN_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORDMYSQL_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORDRABBIT_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORDSERVICE_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORDSERVICE_TOKEN=$ADMIN_PASSWORD############################################################# Customize the following section based on your installation############################################################# PipPIP_USE_MIRRORS=FalseUSE_GET_PIP=1#OFFLINE=False#RECLONE=True# LoggingLOGFILE=$DEST/logs/ Neutron ML2 with OpenVSwitchQ_PLUGIN=ml2Q_AGENT=openvswitchSWIFT_REPLICAS=1SWIFT_HASH=66a3d6b56c1f479c8b4e70ab5c2000f5FLOATING_RANGE=$(echo"$myIpAddress"|cut -d"." -f4 --complement).224/27FLOAT_INTERFACE=$2enable_service s-proxy s-object s-container s-accountenable_service h-eng h-api h-api-cfn h-api-cw# Disable security groupsQ_USE_SECGROUP=FalseLIBVIRT_FIREWALL_DRIVER=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver# Enable heat, networking-sfc, barbican and mistralenable_plugin heat stable/queensenable_plugin networking-sfc git:// stable/queensenable_plugin barbican stable/queensenable_plugin mistral stable/queens# Ceilometer#CEILOMETER_PIPELINE_INTERVAL=300enable_plugin ceilometer stable/queensenable_plugin aodh stable/queens# Tackerenable_plugin tacker stable/queensenable_service n-novncenable_service n-cauthdisable_service tempest# Enable Kubernetes and kuryr-kubernetes#KUBERNETES_VIM=True#NEUTRON_CREATE_INITIAL_NETWORKS=False#enable_plugin kuryr-kubernetes stable/queens#enable_plugin neutron-lbaas git:// stable/queens#enable_plugin devstack-plugin-container stable/queens[[post-config|/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini]][DEFAULT]enable_isolated_metadata = TrueEOFmsginfo"Launching devstack installation..."sleep3# Calm before the storm..../stack.shcheck $? "Something bad happened during devstack installation! I'm sorry :("cd-cdhorizon/&&pythonmanage.pycompress&&cd-check $? "Failed to recreate horizon cache!"sudoserviceapache2restartmsginfo"Devstack installation complete! Enjoy!"}functionmain () {local readonly LAUNCH_USERNAME="$(whoami)"local readonly LAUNCH_USERNAME_HOME=$HOMElocal readonly NEW_USERNAME="stack"local readonly NEW_USERNAME_HOME="/opt/stack"local branch="master"local linkinterface=""local install=1whilegetopts":i :b: :l:"opt; docase $opt ini)msginfo"Installing Openstack with user $(whoami)..." install=0 ;;b)msginfo"Setting branch to $OPTARG" branch="$OPTARG" ;;l)msginfo"Interface link set to $OPTARG" linkinterface="$OPTARG" ;; \?)msgerr"Invalid option: -$OPTARG">&2exit1 ;;:)msgerr"Option -$OPTARG requires an argument.">&2exit1 ;;esacdoneif [ "$install"-eq0 ]thenif [ "$linkinterface"!="" ]thenopenstackWizard"$branch""$linkinterface"elsemsgerr"You MUST set a pastebin url for your local config"fielseif [ "$(getUbuntuVersion)"!="16.04" ]thenmsgerr"This script supports only Ubuntu 16.04"fiif [ "$(pwd)"!="$HOME" ]thenmsginfo"Copying the script in the right $HOME"cp"$0""$HOME/$(basename $0)"check $? "Failed to copy the script in the right location"rm $0cd $HOMEchmod+x"$(basename $0)"./$(basename $0) $@fimsginfo"Launching installation as $LAUNCH_USERNAME"echo"$LAUNCH_USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"|sudotee/etc/sudoers.d/$LAUNCH_USERNAMEsudouseradd-s/bin/bash-d $NEW_USERNAME_HOME -m $NEW_USERNAMEecho"$NEW_USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"|sudotee/etc/sudoers.d/$NEW_USERNAMEsudo-p"Restarting as stack, please type your credentials\n"su-c"$LAUNCH_USERNAME_HOME/ -b $branch -l $linkinterface -i" $NEW_USERNAMEfi}main $@
You need to pass two arguments to this script, that are:
b: the branch of the openstack version you want to use
l: the network link where openstack will listen for incoming requests
To sum up, here there is a valid example:
./ -b stable/queens -l ens3
After that, you should able to login using admin and Password1 as credentials to your new, shining, Openstack installation. The script automatically adds a stack user into the system, where it performs the devstack installation. You should be able to log in this user simply typing:
sudo su -l stack
If you used our script or our configuration, you should have Tacker installed and working. Here you can find a guide to how setup a default VIM and how to launch VNF instances.
Set up default VIM
In order to add new VNF, you need to have a VIM already set up. To set it up, you first need to login as nfv_user (the default password is devstack), then download the v3 openrc script, and then from the console include it (with source <namefile>).
The openrc file should look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash# To use an OpenStack cloud you need to authenticate against the Identity# service named keystone, which returns a **Token** and **Service Catalog**.# The catalog contains the endpoints for all services the user/tenant has# access to - such as Compute, Image Service, Identity, Object Storage, Block# Storage, and Networking (code-named nova, glance, keystone, swift,# cinder, and neutron).## *NOTE*: Using the 3 *Identity API* does not necessarily mean any other# OpenStack API is version 3. For example, your cloud provider may implement# Image API v1.1, Block Storage API v2, and Compute API v2.0. OS_AUTH_URL is# only for the Identity API served through keystone.export OS_AUTH_URL= With the addition of Keystone we have standardized on the term **project**# as the entity that owns the resources.export OS_PROJECT_ID=ea4b42df595f47a58731dc8672e2c19bexport OS_PROJECT_NAME="nfv"export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME="Default"if [ -z"$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; thenunsetOS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME; fiexport OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID="default"if [ -z"$OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID" ]; thenunsetOS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID; fi# unset v2.0 items in case setunsetOS_TENANT_IDunsetOS_TENANT_NAME# In addition to the owning entity (tenant), OpenStack stores the entity# performing the action as the **user**.export OS_USERNAME="nfv_user"# With Keystone you pass the keystone password.echo"Please enter your OpenStack Password for project $OS_PROJECT_NAME as user $OS_USERNAME: "read-srOS_PASSWORD_INPUTexport OS_PASSWORD=$OS_PASSWORD_INPUT# If your configuration has multiple regions, we set that information here.# OS_REGION_NAME is optional and only valid in certain environments.export OS_REGION_NAME="RegionOne"# Don't leave a blank variable, unset it if it was emptyif [ -z"$OS_REGION_NAME" ]; thenunsetOS_REGION_NAME; fiexport OS_INTERFACE=publicexport OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3
The script will ask for the NFV user password, type it again.
After this, you need to add a VIM site from a YAML file. A tipical YAML configuration is: